1、使用mysql的union all可以同时查询出所有自己想要查询数据表的数据量。
1 select 'user' as tablename, count(*) from user2 union all select 'teacher' as tablename, count(*) from teacher3 union all select 'person' as tablename, count(*) from person4 union all select 'student' as tablename, count(*) from student5 order by tablename
2、使用mysql的union all可以同时查询出所有自己想要查询数据表的数据量。添加上限制条件进行查询。
1 select 'user' as tablename, count(*) from user where update_time>'2018-10-09'2 union all select 'teacher' as tablename, count(*) from teacher where update_time>'2018-10-09'3 union all select 'person' as tablename, count(*) from person where update_time>'2018-10-09'4 union all select 'student' as tablename, count(*) from student where update_time>'2018-10-09'5 order by tablename
3、使用Postgresql或者Greenplum的union all可以同时查询出所有自己想要查询数据表的数据量。添加上限制条件进行查询。
1 select 'user' as tablename, count(*) from user where update_time>to_date('2018-10-09 01', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24')2 union all select 'teacher' as tablename, count(*) from teacher where update_time>to_date('2018-10-09 01', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24')3 union all select 'person' as tablename, count(*) from person where update_time>to_date('2018-10-09 01', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24')4 union all select 'student' as tablename, count(*) from student where update_time>to_date('2018-10-09 01', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24')5 order by tablename
注意:char(10)换行键、char(13)回车键。 4.1、查询出多个数据表某条记录可能含有换行符的记录。 CONCAT()函数用于将多个字符串连接成一个字符串。1 select * from user where name like CONCAT("%",char(13),"%")2 union all select * from teacher where name like CONCAT("%",char(13),"%")3 union all select * from person where name like CONCAT("%",char(13),"%")4 union all select * from student where name like CONCAT("%",char(13),"%");
replace(object,search,replace),把object中出现search的全部替换为replace。1 select REPLACE(REPLACE(name, char(10), ''), char(13), '') as name from user where name like CONCAT("%",char(13),"%")2 union all select REPLACE(REPLACE(name, char(10), ''), char(13), '') as name from student where name like CONCAT("%",char(13),"%")3 union all select REPLACE(REPLACE(name, char(10), ''), char(13), '') as name from person where name like CONCAT("%",char(13),"%")4 union all select REPLACE(REPLACE(name, char(10), ''), char(13), '') as name from student where name like CONCAT("%",char(13),"%");
-- 将char(10)换行键,char(13)回车键换成@#r;和@#n;1 select REPLACE(REPLACE(name, char(10), '@#r;'), char(13), '@#n;') as name from user where name like CONCAT("%",char(13),"%")
-- 将@#r;和@#换成nchar(10)换行键,char(13)回车键;1 select REPLACE(REPLACE(name, '@#r;', char(10)), '@#n;', char(13)) as name from user where name like CONCAT("%",char(13),"%")
5、 查询出最大时间,可以根据这个来进行批次插入数据和批次导出数据。
5.1、Postgresql和Greenplum的用法: COALESCE()的用法,如果第一个参数不为null,咋返回第一个参数,否则返回第二个参数。1 select '数据表名称' as table_name, 5 as part, COALESCE(max(update_time), now()) as next_time from schema.数据表名称
ifnull()的用法,如果第一个参数不为null,咋返回第一个参数,否则返回第二个参数。1 select 'user' as table_name,ifnull(max(update_time),now()) as update_time from user;
6.1、Case expr when v1 then r1 when v2 then r2 else rn end。该函数表示,如果expr值等于某个vn,则返回对应位置then后面的结果,如果所有值都不相等,则返回else后面的rn。1 select case 2 when 1 then 'one' when 2 then 'two' else 'more' end;
6.2、case when v1 then r1 when v2 then r2 else rn end。该函数表示,某个vn为true的时候,则返回对应位置then后面的结果,如果所有值都不相等,则返回else后面的rn。
1 select case when 1 < 0 then 'true' when 1 > 0 then 'false' else 'more' end;
Postgresql和Greenplum使用to_number()函数来转换成整数、to_char()将数字转为字符串。mysql无此函数。 完整的例子如下所示:1 select to_char(to_number(COALESCE(max("Cd_batch"), to_char(now(), 'yyyyMMdd')||'00000'), '9999999999999') + 1, '9999999999999') from schema.数据表名称 where "TableName"='数据表名称' and "Cd_source"='数据来源'
1 select max("Cd_batch") from schema.数据表名称 where "TableName"='数据表名称' and "Cd_source"='数据来源'
1 select COALESCE(max("Cd_batch"), to_char(now(), 'yyyyMMdd')||'00000') from schema.数据表名称 where "TableName"='数据表名称' and "Cd_source"='数据来源'
1 select to_number(COALESCE(max("Cd_batch"), to_char(now(), 'yyyyMMdd')||'00000'), '9999999999999') + 1 from schema.数据表名称 where "TableName"='数据表名称' and "Cd_source"='数据来源'
1 select to_char(to_number(COALESCE(max("Cd_batch"), to_char(now(), 'yyyyMMdd')||'00000'), '9999999999999') + 1, '9999999999999') from schema.数据表名称 where "TableName"='数据表名称' and "Cd_source"='数据来源'